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A consistent chop length is key to silage quality. Strautmann Forage Wagons offer one of the most consistent chop lengths on the market, due to the low loading angle and the grass being spread across the full width of the Continuous Flow System roller and knife bank.

The Exact-Cut knife bank, standard on all Strautmann Forage Wagons, features double-sided knives, a plastic damper and a return spring so that knives reset automatically under reduced tension, meaning the knife bank stays cleaner and maintenance time is reduced.

Flex-Load pick up has recently been introduced to the range of Strautmann Forage Wagons - ideal for all crop conditions, the flexible plastic tines adapt to the ground undulations and reduce soil and stone contamination into the cutting unit. Flex-Load is also designed to minimise wear and downtime due to the ease of tine replacement. Flex-Load comes as standard on the Magnon range and is available as an option on all other models.

The Strautmann range of forage wagons are available in 24m to 52m cubic meter DIN capacities with 37 - 48 double-sided Exact-Cut knives.

There are models in the range suitable for both farmers, who want to take control of the silaging process themselves, as well as large scale contractors.

The smaller Zelon and Super Vitesse models are also suitable for zero grazing.

The Giga Vitesse, Magnon 8 and Magnon 10 models tend to be suited more towards contractors or large-scale farmers. The full range of forage wagons are fitted with Exact-Cut, a re-designed double sided knife system which reliably offers a theoretical chop length of 39mm from the Zelon and Super Vitesse and 35mm from the Giga Vitesse and Magnon models. 

Both the Magnon 8 and Magnon 10 benefit from an extra wide 2.25m pick-up, with Flex-Load pick-up tines as standard. ISOBUS controls are offered with an ISOBUS 5" terminal being an option.

All Strautmann forage wagons are equipped with the unique Continuous Flow System, which ensures excellent loading performance and a low power requirement. The pick-up, Continuous Flow System roller, rotor and Exact-Cut cutting unit are optimally matched to each other and result in excellent cutting quality and power efficient drive - thus saving diesel, time and money.

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